The Secret Reason You’re Not Losing Weight

The Secret Reason You’re Not Losing Weight Weight Loss Made Simple From a big picture view the secret to weight loss is pretty straight forward; move your body and eat mostly whole foods. But when reality hits it’s rarely as cut and dry as that. If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight you are likely […]

Gaining Confidence: 5 Reasons Why Hypnosis Works for Permanent Weight Loss

Pleasant Hypnosis - Weight Loss Service

Gaining Confidence: 5 Reasons Why Hypnosis Works for Permanent Weight Loss In a world where the pursuit of wellness often leads us down a maze of diets, TikTok videos, exercise regimens, and fleeting fads, a unique avenue emerges as a beacon of hope: hypnosis for permanent weight loss. Beyond the tiresome treadmill of traditional methods, […]

Top 3 Simple Tips for Setting and Getting Your Goals

Top 3 Simple Tips for Setting and Getting Your Goals We are well into January and that means that on average a quarter of people have already gotten frustrated and given up on their new year resolution. It doesn’t have to be this way though, below are my top 3 tips for creating goals that […]

Shifting focus: how our thoughts create our reality

Shifting focus: how our thoughts create our reality You’ve likely experienced the phenomenon that happens when you learn or discover something new, and then start seeing that new thing everywhere you go. For example, if a friend points out the awkward way you stand when giving presentations, every time you stand up to present, your […]